How a Russian Nuclear Attack Could Destroy the World Economy
destroy the world

One of the more enjoyable parts of my job is answering questions clients have about their portfolios. Given the continuing Russia/Ukraine war, I’ve been asked multiple times about how a Russian nuclear attack could affect the world markets and destroy the world economy. Though clients have phrased the question more delicately,… Read more

Suddenly Russia Attacks! Gain the Willpower to Make the Right Investment Choice

The Russian invasion of Ukraine wreaked havoc on the global markets. Without belittling the pain of those directly hurt by military action and seeking refuge, those of us in safety are left wondering how this crisis might impact our investing.
While Russia takes up great swarths of land, its economy accounts for a small fraction of the world’s global output…. Read more

Is One Million Dollars a Lot of Money?

I recently had a conversation with two young men. One confided that he hoped to be a millionaire by the time he turns thirty. The other remarked that one million dollars just isn’t a lot of money. Based on this conversation, can you predict who will have a greater worth in a decade?  … Read more

Beware of Losing Money in Bonds

While bonds are traditionally considered a more conservative investment than stocks, it is possible to lose money in bonds. Yes, you read that correctly. In order to protect your money while investing in bonds, be wary of the following: 
Interest rate fluctuations — Bond prices decline when interest rates rise…. Read more

How Emerging from Coronavirus Provides Gigantic Investment Opportunities
investment opportunities

Looking back, we can see how the coronavirus pandemic has provided investment opportunities, some of which delivered unusually strong returns. “Retrospective investing,” though, is a fool’s game. Since past performance can’t predict future results, we need to consider other approaches, not just historical gains, when designing portfolios. 
How to invest if you lack prophecy 
It’s amazing how many people tell me,… Read more

The Truth about Corona and Successful Investing
investment opportunities

Some successful investors figured out ways of making money from the corona pandemic. But when you hear their stories, are you really getting the truth? 
Black swans 
Economists often talk about “black swans” in the world of investing, meaning events that seem obvious in hindsight but aren’t evident at the time…. Read more

Do the Opposite of the Politicians

In the run up to the election, politicians lead the way in demonstrating how NOT to plan for the long term. Looking at their methods can be instructive for investors… as long as we do the opposite of what they do. 
Another new party? 
When I made aliya, I was amazed at how fractured Israel’s political arena was…. Read more