Soon after October 7, I was approached by a U.S. journalist who said he was working on a story “on how the war in Israel may be impacting financial advisors.” He explained, “I noticed on your profile that your firm works in both the U.S. and Israel, so I was hoping you’d be open to talking about how the conflict is impacting you,… Read more
Israel & Aliya
Tailoring U.S. Investment Portfolios for Living in Israel
Israeli investors, including American olim, who have U.S. investment portfolios tend to have a global outlook on the markets. They’re interested not only in investing in Israeli-based companies but in diversifying their assets with purchasing stocks or funds in other countries as well…. Read more
Avoiding Inheritance Hassles: The Importance of Cross-Border Financial Advisors
Sitting down with a new client, I encountered a common, rather disheartening tale of inheritance gone awry. The legacy that her father had carefully planned through a “transfer-on-death” (“TOD”) account with a U.S. brokerage firm seemed straightforward, but the reality of accessing the funds was very different…. Read more
Top 5 Challenges of Receiving a U.S. Inheritance in Israel
The challenges of receiving a U.S. inheritance can be broadly categorized into two phases: (1) the transfer of assets and (2) management of assets once received. Each phase comes with its own set of risks and hurdles…. Read more
Avoid This Common Estate Planning Mistake
A will or trust is critical to protect your estate after your passing, and to make a smooth transition of wealth to your intended heirs. That’s why it’s critical to keep it updated.
Take the story of Sarah: Her sister’s family lives in the Tel Aviv apartment her widowed father suggested should be sold upon his death…. Read more
Should I Invest Through My Israeli Bank or U.S. Brokerage Firm?
What Every New Immigrant Needs to Know in One Brief Letter
A new olah from America asked me for aliya advice. She had already contacted me six months before she arrived, set up new U.S. brokerage and IRA accounts through my office, and had all her investments in place. Though there are plenty of resources to help new immigrants,… Read more
How to Invest Your Dollars When You Live in Israel
How to Manage U.S. Investments from Israel
Great News for Million+ Dollar Account Holders Who Need to Transfer Out
“Not only have I been a client of theirs forever,” a new client just told me. “I have a multi-million dollar account. Do they really want to lose my business?”
After my first conversation with this retiree who had both an IRA and brokerage account at Wells Fargo, he realized that being forced out of his existing account was a blessing in disguise…. Read more