Read Doug’s articles originally printed in The Jerusalem Post.

The Impact of Inherited IRAs on Your Financial Planning
Inherited IRAs and Financial Planning

Did you know that inheriting an IRA comes with its own set of rules and opportunities? Recently, I had a discussion with someone who just received a “Beneficiary IRA” and was facing the common, yet complex, issue that many inheritors face: What’s the best way to handle the required minimum distributions? … Read more

What Happens When Siblings Disagree about their Elderly Parents’ Finances
Elderly Parents’ Finances

Sibling relationships can be complicated… even among adult siblings. As a financial planner working primarily with American olim, I often encounter families at crossroads dealing with the complexities of both finances and family relationships. A recent case involving five siblings managing their aging parents’ U.S. investment portfolio exemplifies both the challenges and triumphs of family financial planning. … Read more

How to Strengthen Your Financial Future as a Couple

Why do so many couples struggle with managing their finances together? The answer is straightforward: they’re not aligned. As a cross-border financial planner, I’ve observed that couples who collaborate on their financial goals often succeed, while those who don’t frequently struggle. Look at these practical steps to get on the same financial page… and secure your future together. … Read more

Did You Receive an Inheritance? What You Need to Do Now
Did You Receive an Inheritance?

Did you recently inherit a stock and bond portfolio? Feel uncertain about your next steps? Navigating new assets can be daunting both to new and seasoned investors. 
Managing an inherited portfolio effectively means aligning it with your financial goals and risk tolerance. Imagine inheriting a large sum in a single stock;… Read more

Simplifying the Real Estate vs. Stock Market Debate
Simplifying the Real Estate vs. Stock Market Debate

Are you tempted to invest in real estate since the land prices seem to only go upward? If you decide to be a landlord, make sure you declare your rental income. The Israel Tax Authority is increasing its efforts to clamp down on tax evasion among landlords, using artificial intelligence to cross-reference records from the Land Registry to find unreported rental revenues.  … Read more

Tax Confusion: Simplifying Capital Gains for Cross-Border Investors
Tax Confusion: Simplifying Capital Gains for Cross-Border Investors

When it comes to investing, understanding capital gains is critical. Many are caught off-guard by the taxes due on their U.S. portfolios. However, this can be avoided with the right knowledge and strategy. Both realized and unrealized capital gains can affect your investment decisions and tax obligations. (While I do not give tax advice,… Read more

How to Avoid Surprises on Capital Gains in Your U.S. Investments
How to Avoid Surprises on Capital Gains in Your U.S. Investments

Navigating U.S. tax obligations from Israel can overwhelm many olim, especially when faced with unexpected tax bills. A common source of surprise is the difference between realized and unrealized gains. Realized gains occur when you sell an investment for a profit and are taxable in the year of the sale…. Read more

How to Best Handle Your U.S. Investments from Israel with Clear Communication
clear communitcaton

The convenience of digital communication introduces new challenges in the financial world. As a U.S. and Israeli licensed financial professional, I’m bound by regulations that mandate the archiving of client communications. Text messages, including those sent via platforms like WhatsApp, often fall outside these regulatory requirements. More importantly, there’s a deeper concern: the loss of clarity and understanding that can occur in text-based exchanges. … Read more

Do Volatile Markets Make You Feel as If You’re Being Punched in the Face?
Volatile Markets

There’s a famous quote by Mike Tyson that I find particularly relevant to investing: “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the nose.” This is the essence of what I call the “Mike Tyson Logic of Investing.” You might have a solid investment plan, but how you react when the market takes a downturn is what truly matters…. Read more

Financial Resilience Post-Divorce: How to Create a New Investment Strategy
Financial Resilience Post-Divorce

Divorce is more than just the beginning of a new chapter; it’s the start of a new financial journey. Navigating this transition involves careful reallocation of joint assets and crafting investment, saving, and spending plans that align with your evolving goals.  
Post-divorce, your financial goals undergo a profound transformation as what once was a shared vision is now your own path,… Read more